C, Crypto & Clojure







C, Crypto & Clojure

(with ✨)

Why Clojure?

  • I 💖 Clojure
  • Easier R&D

Why crypto?

  • That's what I do
  • Don't reimplement your own crypto

Why C?

  • More about OS ABI ("native code") than C
  • Converse: "why only use the JVM/Clojure?"
  • Performance, but not only about performance
  • Crypto, OS features, native GUI, GPU…

Let's call native code!

(on the JVM, for now)


Code → JNI call

JNI impl -> lib


public class NativeStuff {
    public static native long getpid();
    //            ^^^^^^
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    static {


/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class io_lvh_cljn_NativeStuff */
#ifndef _Included_io_lvh_cljn_NativeStuff
#define _Included_io_lvh_cljn_NativeStuff
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
   * Class:     io_lvh_cljn_NativeStuff
   * Method:    getpid
   * Signature: ()J
  JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_io_lvh_cljn_NativeStuff_getpid
      (JNIEnv *, jclass);
#ifdef __cplusplus

JNI implementation

#include "lvh_io_cljn_NativeStuff.h"
jlong JNICALL Java_lvh_io_cljn_NativeStuff_getpid
(JNIEnv *env, jclass c) {
  return getpid();


ᛠᛰᛜᛍᛥ ᚥᚮ‽

Clojure + JNI in the wild

neanderthal → opencl → jocl

static native boolean initNativeLibrary(String fullName);


Great, if someone else does the compily bit


import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
public class NativeStuff {
    public interface GetPid extends Library {
        long getpid();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GetPid getpid = (GetPid) Native


  • Performance isn't great
  • Some missing features


Code → JNR stub → JNI call

JNI impl -> libffi -> lib

Worst of both worlds?!

  • JNI platform-specific part is shared
  • Probably ships with support for your platform
  • JNR-specific part is generated

Best of both worlds

JNA UX + JNI perf


public interface LibC {
    public int gettimeofday(
        @Out @Transient Timeval tv,
        Pointer unused


public static final class Timeval extends Struct {
    public final time_t tv_sec = new time_t();
    public final SignedLong tv_usec = new SignedLong();

Thanks JRuby!

fs, subprocesses, stat, tty/pty/fcntl, fast IO


jnr-posix, jnr-enxio, jnr-unixsocket, …


jnr-constants, jnr-x86asm, …

Let's go write some code!

(probably Java I guess?)

caesium :: libsodium

  • Cryptographic library
  • NaCl with cheese

How much Java?

$ wc -l **h
9166 total


Well, OK, but it's easy Java, right?

Mostly char *

So many JVM types

Pointer, Buffer, String, [B, ByteBuffer…

Return type?

  • Fn for each one, or by input type?
  • encrypt-to-buf, encrypt-to-array, …
  • What if you call me with 4 different types?

Functional vs mutate in place

  • void f(*int out, int x)
  • int f(int x)

Getting the right types

  • Conversions? (Copying!)
  • Reflection? (Slow, buggy!)
  • Explicit dispatch? (Large methods!)
  • Give specific type? (Hard to use!)

Combinatorial explosion

Thousands of exposed syms

Pick a type

  • Pointer: 🚫
  • String: 🚫 (except constants)
  • [B, ByteBuf fer: ?

[B advantages

  • By far most common type
  • Easy to use, e.g. serializers

ByteBuffer advantages

  • Supported API for "direct" allocation
  • Cheap slicing, "views" over memory


byte array → indirect ByteBuffer: fast!

indirect ByteBuffer → byte array: fast?

direct ByteBuffer ↔ byte array: slow!


  • Expose everything
  • In-place API:
    • Takes buffers only
  • Functional:
    • Takes anything, wraps to buf
    • Returns a byte array


Cliff's notes

  • Penalty is small
  • Options to make it tiny
  • JVM tooling is cool



Getting ASM dumps



Getting ASM dumps

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
warning: PrintAssembly is enabled;
  turning on DebugNonSafepoints to gain additional output
... yada yada yada ...

Getting ASM dumps

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
warning: PrintAssembly is enabled;
  turning on DebugNonSafepoints to gain additional output
Could not load hsdis-amd64.dylib;
  library not loadable; PrintAssembly is disabled

Acquire hsdis

  • Check out OpenJDK
  • Build a binutils
  • Extensive cursing


0x00007fb8a181a2e0: mov    DWORD PTR [rsp-0x14000],eax
0x00007fb8a181a2e7: push   rbp
0x00007fb8a181a2e8: sub    rsp,0x30
; - clojure.lang.ASeq::size@0 (line 188)
0x00007fb8a181a2ec: nop
0x00007fb8a181a2ed: movabs rax,0xffffffffffffffff
0x00007fb8a181a2f7: call   0x00007fb8a1045f60
; OopMap{off=60}
;*invokevirtual count
; - clojure.lang.ASeq::size@1 (line 188)
;   {virtual_call}
0x00007fb8a181a2fc: add    rsp,0x30
0x00007fb8a181a300: pop    rbp
0x00007fb8a181a301: test   DWORD PTR [rip+0x18527df9],eax

JNR tricks

Mostly @Annotations


  • JVM (OpenJDK) uses errno
  • So does some C code
  • Gotta save and restore

@In and @Out

  • Value gets copied to & from
  • @In: only copy to native
  • @Out: only copy from native


  • Don't copy the value at all
  • Tell JVM not to move it
  • Pass the pointer straight to C

@Direct and @Transient

Native backing memory


How Clojure helped


Look Ma, no Java!

Host interop

Doesn't hide Java/JVM


(definterface LibC
  (^int gettimeofday
   [^Timeval ^{Out {} Transient {}} tv
    ^Pointer unused]))

The Clojure way

  • Have some data
  • Don't mess it up

Some data

(def ^:private raw-bound-fns
  '[[^int sodium_init []]
    [^String sodium_version_string []]
    [^long ^{size_t {}} crypto_secretbox_macbytes []]
    [^String crypto_secretbox_primitive []]
    [^int crypto_secretbox_easy
     [^bytes ^{Pinned {}} c
      ^bytes ^{Pinned {}} m
      ^long ^{LongLong {}} mlen
      ^bytes ^{Pinned {}} n
      ^bytes ^{Pinned {}} k]]]
  ;; ...

Expose every byte type

(mapcat permuted-byte-types raw-bound-fns)
  • Specify once with bytes
  • Get ByteBuffer permutations for free


Just map a function over some values


;; in caesium.crypto.secretbox
(defconsts [keybytes noncebytes macbytes primitive])
;; =>
  (def keybytes
    "Constant returned by `crypto_secretbox_keybytes`.
    See libsodium docs."
    (.crypto_secretbox_keybytes caesium.binding/sodium))

;; in caesium.crypto.box
(✨ open-easy m c n pk sk)
;; =>
 m c (long (buflen c))
 n pk sk)

  "Produces a form for calling named fn with lots of

  * The fn-name is specified using its short name,
    which is resolved against the ns as per [[defconsts]].
  * All bufs are annotated as ByteBuffers.
  * Buffer lengths are automatically added.

  The emoji name of this macro accurately reflects how
  easy I want it to be for third parties to call it."
  ;; ...

This stuff matters

  • Repetition leads to mistakes
  • API consistency through laziness


Clojure 💖 native libs

  • You might not need them
  • Don't despair if you do

Yay open sores

  • JNR is great!
  • At least one bug in jnr & Clojure
  • Zero-copy for cffi, PyCA/cryptography

Future work

  • CLJS (native library on V8, vs emscripten in the browser?)
  • Ship native binaries with caesium
  • Bind all of libsodium

Nonce-misuse resistant cryptography

Encrypting with nonces

Number used once

What if I don't?

  • Probably decrypt those ctexts
  • Arbitrary forgeries afterwards


E(k, n, p) -> c

Is this the default API we want?

GCM has other problems

(not gonna talk about them now)


GCM was the good ciphersuite, right?!

TLS alternatives are worse

GCM is fine in 1 specific case

  • Short-lived keys
  • Coordination about nonces

… so just use TLS!

Distributed systems

Encrypting a cookie or DB entry

Programmers don't grok IVs/nonces

Evidence in how often they…

  • mess them up
  • end up with ECB

OK, so randomize the nonce!


  • GCM: 96 bits
  • Salsa20: 64 bits

People still mess it up

  • Nonce reuse in TLS
  • Bad random during encryption


  • Right API! E(k, p) -> c
  • Safe! (IND-CCA2, EtM)
  • Weird choices
  • Encryption-time random


Fernet, modern crypto done right


  • Easy API
  • Only safe choices
  • Easy to implement
  • Easy security proof
  • Wide security margin
  • Fast enough (~10% penalty)

Busted RNG & reused nonce

total catastrophe

(decrypt, forge)

attacker can detect duplicates

(not decrypt, not forge)

Idea: synthesize nonce from plaintext

(maybe mix with randomness)

Started as research about "keywrap"

Deterministic encryption


  • secretbox-rnd
  • secretbox-det
  • secretbox-nmr

Rough idea

BLAKE2b as a PRF → nonce XSalsa20 + Poly1305 (big nonce space)


Pretty good (but wait for the paper)

What about CAESAR?

  • Serves any masters!
  • Only 1 NMR suite in round 3: AEZ
  • Perf always worse, but how much?
  • Not worth it for TLS-like protocols

What about GCM-SIV?


  • Conj organizers
  • Wayne Meissner, Charles Nutter (JNR)
  • Paul Kehrer, PyCA



[email protected]



